How it happened??? Wait...I think we all KNOW how it happened! But in case you dont know a little of the background scoop of other details I thought I would share.
Dan and I have been married for 6 years (together about 10). We told everyone we were NEVER having kids...In truth we didnt really know... we just were sure we were not ready for them. We wanted to see how things went and decide when and if we were ready. Here we are 6 years later and I think reality clicked in. WE ARE GETTING OLD! ha ha. Neither of us wanted to be super old parents...I hit 30 and was a little freaked out....and I forgot the fact that Dan is a couple years older. And what if we decided we wanted more than one kid? Well....I guess we we better get on it or we are going to be old parents. From all the stories I have heard we figured it would take 6 months or at least a few months before we would get the good news so we decided to go for it and see what would happen. Now, Dan was very confident of his fertility I might add so he kept telling me it would be a piece of cake. I tried to remind him this took two but no luck. Dan Won. One month later we were prego! Wow. Even now I think we are still in shock. Dan and I chose not to tell anyone of our news until we were through our 1st trimester and we wanted to make sure we were able to tell a few people that we could in person. We managed to hold our secret till Thanksgiving (we were just over 4 months at the time). I was showing enough that anyone who knew me would have known something was up but I wore PJ's and a big sweatshirt until we spilled the beans. Being our creative selves we had drove to Reno for Thanksgiving and in the car ride we came up with the following puzzle:
one, two, Something new.
three, four, Add one more.
five, six, The perfect mix.
seven, eight, Someone's late.
nine, ten, We're 4 months in!
We had each family member read one of the cards in order and then guess the riddle. It took a few people a bit longer but my mom didnt make it past about the 2nd riddle and tears and shock had already begun! Once we got that out I posted the puzzles on facebook and spilled the beans to the rest of our shocked friends and family. It was a fun surprise!
We will find out the sex of the baby on Christmas Morning....Stay tuned for more information then!