Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Posted by Whitney Stevens at Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5 comments
Okay...Okay...I broke down and registered for a "few" things so far. It all seems silly to me but I was convinced by Pottery Barn...We went in to buy a few things and they told us to register for it...then get 10% off. So I got sucked in. But hey....I dont mind getting what we need but if any of you have a wild hair and want to purchase from our registry so be it :) I have been finding random items like the bowling pins so I thought I would start a custom registry that I could select things from different stores. You can find the links at the top of this blog "registry" OR here are the 3 links...

Pottery Barn Kids
Babies "R" Us
My Registry

I will add to as we go along...but at least I started something. Those of you who have been giving me flack...ITS DONE! LOL

Monday, December 27, 2010


Posted by Whitney Stevens at Monday, December 27, 2010 1 comments

I am going to admit...I HATE SHOPPING! Clothes shopping is by far the worst but I do a little better if its shopping to decorate so I figured now that we know we are having a little girl it was time to work on the nursery. would have been fun until I could not find what I wanted. I like to make things difficult I suppose by being super picky....and wanting something a little different! I dont want the typical PINK nursery. In fact its already painted a teal color with one wall having a fun wallpaper design on it. We are wanting a more shabby/chic nursery. Lucky for me...I have a wonderful friend, Connie who is going to help me out with custom bedding (LOVE YOU CONNIE!) and my mom who surprised me at Christmas by telling me she was going to come visit this week! Yeah! Going to work on the room with my mom and see what we can either find or craft!

So today....I have spent most of the day looking for ideas on the web with my mom doing the same. So far so good...Getting LOTS of ideas just a matter of finding what we need when she gets here this week. But....instead of posting a photo of some of the fabulous ideas (you will have to wait till I take photos of the finished nursery) I am going to post something I MUST HAVE! Those of you who know me well....Know that I am a bowler :) Been bowling since I was a kid. I found this bowling set that needs to be bought...What do you think?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's A.............

Posted by Whitney Stevens at Saturday, December 25, 2010 4 comments


Baby Lily Rose Harlacher!

We couldnt be more excited for our awesome Christmas Surprise! We baked cookies that say It's a girl for our Dad's to open and reveal the sex...Our mom's get phone calls and ichat as they are not in Oregon! Thanks to everyone who has wrote to check on us this morning. Sorry we were holding out...but we wanted to make sure we told the family first!

Happy Christmas from the Harlacher's!

Friday, December 24, 2010

More gifts...Well Sort of :)

Posted by Whitney Stevens at Friday, December 24, 2010 1 comments

Love the from Miss Jamie. So sweet and so cute! Perfect if its a Girl OR a Boy! Thanks Jamie! Now Dan however first purchase all by himself is the set of Beaver onesies. Didnt want baby to have any doubt about it being a Beaver! LOL. I told him they look like boy onesies but he insisted it did not matter. Hmmm.....

Less than 24 hours to go....


Thursday, December 23, 2010

My favorite things...

Posted by Whitney Stevens at Thursday, December 23, 2010 2 comments

Its time to distract myself from the torture of not knowing the sex posting about something else entirely! Fun baby toys! Even though the sex of the baby is still unknown I cant not help but buy things. I have just been careful about what I purchase! We have the nursery furniture minus the actual bedding and a few other misc items. My first purchases however were these little guys. It is my favorite brand of toy (MiYim). They are soooo cute! Its not even that they are organic I just liked the style of them. We saw the monkey in Hawaii and I knew we needed to hunt down the brand when we got back in town. It did take a little searching and they can be found in random locations such as Whole Foods and fun boutique kids stores. My sister-in-law, Jenn, and I went all over Reno looking for the monkey but we had no luck. I did find it a couple weeks ago at a cute store in the Pearl District called, Urbanites. Also the babies first official gift came from "Aunt Jenn"....the adorable bumble bee! Thanks JENN!!! You are the best!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Posted by Whitney Stevens at Wednesday, December 22, 2010 2 comments

What is it? Its killing me! I have this envelope decorating my laptop keyboard...and I am pretty sure its torturing me. I think its time I go hide it in Dan's stocking so I dont have to look at it anymore. For whatever reason yesterday I was told it was a girl from people that used to be on team boy. As well as a few other random people thought they would throw in their input. Im still not so sure. Dan is still on team boy....but at this point I could go either way...I JUST WANT TO KNOW!!!

3 MORE DAYS........


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ultrasound Pics...

Posted by Whitney Stevens at Tuesday, December 21, 2010 2 comments

Well we did it...went to our doctors appointment yesterday and "found out the sex" but not really. Im DYING! Yes DYING! I have a sealed envelope that I get to stare at until Saturday. Awesome. Yes I know it will be worth it...but there is only a tiny little white envelope keeping the news. Hmmm....Maybe I should try and hold it up to the light? Actually better yet...I need to hide this silly envelope so I am not tempted until its time to find out. It will be a nice surprise for Christmas so I need to remind myself that. We were able to view most of the ultrasound which was fun. Our little one is a wiggle worm...doing summersaults during the exam. It was a good thing though as "it" moved right when it was time to view the ummm "parts". So it was ready to let us know what it is. Here are a couple photos that were taken. There is a head, hand/arm and a foot shot. The "surprise" photo is tucked away in our envelope for Saturday.


Monday, December 20, 2010


Posted by Whitney Stevens at Monday, December 20, 2010 10 comments

And wow isnt it a BELLY! It surprises me to see it. I dont know what happened! Dan just says..."Its okay honey...Its only going to get bigger." Ummm...gee thanks? ha ha.

We will take real maternity shots when I am further along but I have been bugged a few times to show at least one belly shot so I had Dan snag a quick shot on my iphone...Not the best quality but you get the point! We will also post some ultrasound pics soon!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Team Boy or Team Girl?

Posted by Whitney Stevens at Sunday, December 19, 2010 7 comments
Dan and I have our doctor's appointment tomorrow to determine the sex of the baby. I would be super excited...BUT...We are going to have the doctor write it down and put it in an envelope so we can open it on Christmas morning. So I am going to live in suspense for the next 5 days! It will make for an awesome Christmas morning surprise though! I will post the results after we give the news to our families on Christmas!


Saturday, December 18, 2010


Posted by Whitney Stevens at Saturday, December 18, 2010 15 comments
Please take a minute to "comment" and sign our Guest Book! I will be putting these cute comments in the babies book! You can always link back to this post by clicking on the GUEST BOOK link at the top of this blog!

How it Happened...

Posted by Whitney Stevens at Saturday, December 18, 2010 2 comments

How it happened??? Wait...I think we all KNOW how it happened! But in case you dont know a little of the background scoop of other details I thought I would share.
Dan and I have been married for 6 years (together about 10). We told everyone we were NEVER having kids...In truth we didnt really know... we just were sure we were not ready for them. We wanted to see how things went and decide when and if we were ready. Here we are 6 years later and I think reality clicked in. WE ARE GETTING OLD! ha ha. Neither of us wanted to be super old parents...I hit 30 and was a little freaked out....and I forgot the fact that Dan is a couple years older. And what if we decided we wanted more than one kid? Well....I guess we we better get on it or we are going to be old parents. From all the stories I have heard we figured it would take 6 months or at least a few months before we would get the good news so we decided to go for it and see what would happen. Now, Dan was very confident of his fertility I might add so he kept telling me it would be a piece of cake. I tried to remind him this took two but no luck. Dan Won. One month later we were prego! Wow. Even now I think we are still in shock. Dan and I chose not to tell anyone of our news until we were through our 1st trimester and we wanted to make sure we were able to tell a few people that we could in person. We managed to hold our secret till Thanksgiving (we were just over 4 months at the time). I was showing enough that anyone who knew me would have known something was up but I wore PJ's and a big sweatshirt until we spilled the beans. Being our creative selves we had drove to Reno for Thanksgiving and in the car ride we came up with the following puzzle:

one, two, Something new.
three, four, Add one more.
five, six, The perfect mix.
seven, eight, Someone's late.
nine, ten, We're 4 months in!

We had each family member read one of the cards in order and then guess the riddle. It took a few people a bit longer but my mom didnt make it past about the 2nd riddle and tears and shock had already begun! Once we got that out I posted the puzzles on facebook and spilled the beans to the rest of our shocked friends and family. It was a fun surprise!
We will find out the sex of the baby on Christmas Morning....Stay tuned for more information then!


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