Friday, April 1, 2011


Posted by Whitney Stevens at Friday, April 01, 2011
Okay this post might be a "little" if you dont want to hear about prego peeing...sign off and wait for another post! LOL. Dont say I didnt at least warn you!

So I am NOT trying to complain...Really. Just pointing at an annoying fact of being prego. PEEING! EVERY 5 MINUTES! Okay...maybe not quite that bad...but I tell you what... this is one of the most annoying parts I have had to deal with. I am one of those people who can pretty much hold it all day...Or at least all night no matter what. I NEVER get up in the middle of the night to pee. So getting up 3-4 times every night to pee is just plain annoying. I know the argument is "Its preparing you for baby"...Fine. But really? Dont I deserve all the non-interupted sleep I can possibly get NOW. Why should I have to be tired all the time before Miss Lily arrives? Makes no sense...thats all I am saying. Obviously I am surviving and obviously its not that bad of a "side effect" as I like to call these prego things that happen. But I still think the peeing should be kept to a min and should LET ME SLEEP!

Okay Im done...ha ha ha. Hope you guys agree :)



Anonymous said...

Right there with ya, sista! They say not to drink a lot of anything 3-4 hours before bed but, I get thirsty!
Though I will say that those middle of the night pee breaks can feel reaaally good.

P.S-Also naming our little one Lily (for short) Kudos for choosing an awesome name for a bound to be awesome girl!

P.P.S-We are like 2 weeks apart in due dates it seems, yay!

Whitney Stevens on April 2, 2011 at 1:24 PM said...

So funny! Thanks Becca for "getting it" LOL. And congrats on your pregnancy as well! So cute..same name :) Love it! Hope the rest goes well for you! Thanks for reading the blog!

JAMIE said...

You could just get a catheter. I'm just sayin . . .

Whitney Stevens said...

Oh Jamie! You are HILARIOUS! LOL

Anonymous said...

So, maybe by the time Lily is here, you will be over the whole being "interrupted" during the night concept and actually used to it and and with less sleep, you will have more energy and a smile too, LOL, uh right!!!


Whitney Stevens said...

Smile? With lack of sleep? hmmm....Now wouldnt that be a Fun Day! NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! LOL. I looked at clock last night and I am up every 3-4 hours going pee. Awesome. Can not remember the last time I slept through the whole night :( Sad.

Anonymous said...

Thats cuz Lily is smooshing your bladder...this too shall pass and it will all be over! Kate Edwards

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